

What we do


The lack of access to basic needs and hard living conditions are great challenges faced by the population in Gairo. Particularly children who have lost parental care remain the most vulnerable. We therefore aim to work with the community to provide each child with a place they can call home and meet their basics needs.


Together with Bethel Orphan Support Centre, we are committed to creating a sustainable and feasible project that addresses the challenges faced by orphans aged 0 to 18, through two different phases:

Construction of the orphanage - Completed

Go ahead and hover above the plan to find out what has been built.

Construction progress

  • Purchasing a suitable land
  • Consulting Swiss and Tanzanian architects for a construction map
  • Consulting companies for groundwater digging
  • Approving the construction map and present it to Gairo district authority
  • Obtaining the building permit by Gairo district
  • Defining the final building plans
  • Choosing construction workers and leader
  • Starting the construction and inspect each stage of the construction along with Gairo district engineer
  • Digging of the water well
  • Building the guard house
  • Building the concrete fence
  • Building the living and dining room
  • Building the kitchen and storage room
  • Building the dormitories
  • Building the office and guest house
  • Buying and installing furniture

Chacha and his team were supervising the daily construction process along with Sandrine and Lara who regularly travelled to the site.


We are committed on the long-term to the orphans’ daily care and the guarantee of their basic needs: Loving care & Housing, Food, Health and Access to Education. This will enable them to grow in favourable conditions and access a bright future,


We are providing a place 24 children can call home. Dorms are separated with 4 sharing and each child is provided with a bed and a personal box. Bathrooms are also located near the rooms. A matron is also living with the children and has a private room, which can be used to provide extra care to children when needed and new-borns.

Moreover, several staff members have been appointed for the good functioning of the orphanage

Learn more


The children receive two healthy meals per day (lunch and dinner) and have tea and a snack in the morning.

Typical meals include Ugali, rice, potatoes, beans, tomatoes, greens and fruits. Chicken or meat is served once a week.

A dining and living room have been built, and, considering the rich nature surrounding Gairo, Mango trees have been planted in the orphanage’s garden area.


Health services provided to orphans is based on the concept of primary health care. This strategy strongly emphasizes preventive rather than curative care, because curative care places a much heavier burden on response resources.

  • Initial Health Assessment is to identify health needs and to establish responses, recommendations, and priorities,
  • Yearly health insurance,
  • First-aid-kits are available and,
  • Bi-monthly training on general hygiene (hand/body/teeth washing, sexual education).


We believe that education should be accessible to anyone and that it represents the key to personal development. Therefore, we are offering the children the opportunity to access education on a regular basis.

Gairo holds nursery, primary and secondary public schools which children of the orphanage are attending.



Get in touch with us for questions or more information

Lausanne, Switzerland

+41 79 312 2367

1000 Lausanne
IBAN CH37 0076 7000 E539 7744 6